There are separate academic blocks for the junior and senior children. Both the blocks are identical and overlook each other, separated by the football field. Summer Valley houses a special atrium in each academic building, to ensure that there is openness and ample sunlight and ventilation. This provides a place for informal contact outside the classroom where children can study through play and learn method.
Children from pre-nursery to class V study in the Junior Academic block. Children from class VI to class XII study in the senior block
The classrooms are spacious and have been installed with smart boards to enable children to learn through a livelier experience.
Laboratories have been given a central and distinctive role in science education. Our state of the art THOTS, Computer Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories provide opportunity and environment to all children to learn through self-exploring and hands-on experiments
The campus is under CCTV surveillance and has trained and vigilant security personnel.
The School has its own fleet of comfortable buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children.